Almost a year ago a dear friend of mine asked me to think over his activity’s logo and today I would like to show you the work done. Just to be clear, this work did not take me an year it’s only that I did...
It’s been a while from my last blog post. But i have a very good reason for that. I got married!! And today i would like to start write again by talking about that, about my wedding. Actually I already wrote a post on...
The bathroom: when I was at the University it always was my big worry. I always left it as a last thing to do. In all my projects, that were houses, museums, or anything else the bath was my last step. When I had nothing...
The Christmas holidays are nearly upon us, and I thought it couldn’t miss a post about how to dress and set up the Christmas table! If you expect the classical red tablecloth you will be disappointed! I won’t propose you nothing too conventional, for which...
Yesterday Pantone has formally proclaimed the color of the year 2016 and… for the first time is not only one color, but two! The colors chosen are Rose Quartz and Serenity, two beautiful shade of pink and light blue really elegant together. This choice goes...
In this post I’m going to show you a funny experiment that I wanted to do since several years, but for shortage of time, of bravery or raw materials I always postponed, until now! Well, I’ve been preparing in time in order to arrive the...
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