Today I tell you about another job of mine. These wedding invitations have been studied like all my projects starting from the study of a personal brand for the fiancés. The logo was inspired to the alphabet, where their initial letters are closed each other....
Today I would like to talk about the very first wedding invitation I’ve realized. It’s been about 2 years since I designed them, but they always have a special place among my jobs. So, the first wedding invitation of my carrer was made for my...
It’s been a while from my last blog post. But i have a very good reason for that. I got married!! And today i would like to start write again by talking about that, about my wedding. Actually I already wrote a post on...
Since it’s almost Christmas time I present you one my work based on this theme. They are wedding invitations that I realized for a couple that is going to marry few days before ChristmasSpeaking together about the color they’ve choose (the red), and the date...
I decided to debate this topic because it was one of the most debated point during my sister’s wedding organization (if you have missed something, she has married some months ago, and I took care of the organization!). A small premise is needed. All depends on...
Today I would like to talk about the wedding invitation, focusing on how is important to keep consistent the topic with the atmosphere and the theme of the marriage. It’s often quite difficult this, both because the invitation are one of the first things that...
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