sleek tips
tips on architecture, design, graphic design and weddings

Menu on the Christmas Table

Even though the title can be misleading, I’m not going to give you any recipe!
I’m talking about the printed menu, that makes your table more special and valuble!

Did you notice that? Add to the table all the details about the courses as well as the use of the placeholders (here you can find the related post if you missed it: make your table more serious and curate.

I made for you two files that you can download and use for the Christmas day! You can print them and fill them by hand or direclty using the pc.



I also prepared for you a kind of collage with some combinations you can easily find in order to kame your table perfect!

The first one use the mint green and raspberry colors. So a reinterpretation of the classical christmas colors red and green. The traditional colors but in a contemporary shades.



The second one play with orange and pale blue colors, for a modern table for nothing expected.



I hope to have been a help to you! Send me a picture if you use them 🙂
Merry Christmas



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